A lot of agents and others have suggested that a rising population means a demand for more housing, and that this automatically means that property prices will continue to go up. However, independent economist Dr Ed Shann disagrees, saying that house prices in Australia have fallen in the past, and that the current high house …
A couple of weeks ago we were saying that real estate prices were about to go up big time, but ignore all that. According to Residex property prices in Australia are about to slump, just as they have in the USA and elsewhere. New figures from the property analyst group Residex show that house and …
According to an analysis by the CSIRO, petrol prices in Australia could reach $8 a litre by 2018, and if fuel prices do start to move upward in such a big way then property prices will be affected. I would imagine we would see a big boom in inner city properties, as well as those …
According to at least one large real estate office here in Queensland, the real estate market should return to a more normal state of affairs from September onwards. Things are a bit weird at present, with a shortage of buyers and hesitant sellers, but that might all change in just a few months from now. …
Going against the trend in Brisbane, the average price for a city apartment has gone up 23% in the past three months, and is now sitting on $894,000. Sales activity has dropped, as it has everywhere, and of the 51 new apartments up for sale few were at the lower end. Over 20% of the …
If you think house prices are high now, just wait until the really big property boom arrives! When that gets here, prices will skyrocket, according to the ANZ Bank’s senior economist, Paul Braddick. “A growing housing shortage is setting the scene for the mother of all housing booms. Underlying housing demand is already outstripping new …
The value of the popular coastal property market may start to slide with news that the Victorian Government is set to designate vast new areas of Victoria’s coastline as floodprone. This is in response to the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the CSIRO, which suggests planners should allow for a sea …
I keep hearing the same thing over and over again from real estate agents: too many home owners are unrealistic about the sale price of their home. A lot of them still think that prices are skyrocketing, or at the very least that their home increased in value a whole lot more in 2007 than …
According to Scott Keck, veteran property expert and managing director of property group Charter Keck Cramer, if you want a good investment grab an inner urban apartment or townhouse: “Population growth and demographic change are going to exert extreme demand pressure on apartments and townhouses, and if appropriate for higher density [redevelopment], relatively small sites …
According to economic forecaster BIS Shrapnel’s Residential Property Prospects, 2008 to 2011 report, demand for housing in Australia will continue to push property prices up, and interest rates may start coming down in 2009. Here’s the BIS Shrapnel property timeline, for those who want to play along at home: 2008 to 2010: rents will increase …